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4 important things to know before driving in France

4 important things to know before driving in France

Table of Contents

Should you get a French driving licence?

If you are new to France, you don’t need a French licence to drive around, at least for a short period of time after your arrival. The exact duration of this “short period of time” depends on the country where you got your license.

If you’re a european citizen, any driving license obtained in a European country is enough to drive in France indefinitely. Unless you request a new category of license, you will not have to face French driving instructors! Of course, your license must be valid in your home country and you must over 18 years old and meet the medical requirements listed on your document.

If you are not european, then you will have to get a French licence at some point. If your home country is part of the Vienna agreement, your original driving licence will be recognized for 1 year starting from the acquisition of residence in France.

For short stays, like vacation of short-term work assignment, you can drive with your foreign license as long as it is valid and written in French (or you have a French official translation or an international driving license). Drivers holding a “student” temporary residence permit will not be required to convert their licence during their residence.

Remember though that the minimum age to drive in France is 18 years old.

What kind of vehicle can you drive?

The same international standards apply in France as in all countries of the Vienna agreement. To drive a car, you’ll need a type-B licence. That will grant you the right to drive any 4-wheeled vehicle under 3,5 ton with 8 passagers maximum.

Do I need an international driving licence?

The international driving license is a translation of your national driving license into different languages. It authorizes the driving of the same categories of vehicles as those listed on your national license.
It is valid for three years, where for the period of validity of your national driving license if it is less than three years. It is only valid outside your national territory, and on condition of being accompanied by your valid national driving license.

It’s handy if you are to drive in France, but it isnt a requirement. An official French translation will be sufficient. 

How to get a French driving licence ?

To exchange your foreign license for a French license, you must meet the following conditions:

  • A valid permit
  • Your license must have been issued in the country where you had your normal residence before your installation in France
  • Your license must have been issued in a country practicing the reciprocal exchange of driving licenses with France
  • Be written in French or be accompanied by an official translation into French. The translation must be legalized or apostilled if done abroad. If it is performed in France, it must be done by an authorized translator.

As a drive, you must be over 18, have you principal residence in France and comply with any medical prescriptions noted on your license (wearing glasses, for instance).

    Note that if your nationality corresponds to the State of issue of your license, you must have obtained your driving license before the date of validity of your 1st residence permit in France or before the date of validation of your VISA by the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII)

    The process is done at the prefecture of your place of residence, on site (in some departments, it can be done at the sub-prefecture). To apply, you must have the following documentation :

    • Original driver’s license
    • ID
    • Recent proof of address (less than 6 months)
    • Proof of the legality of the stay in France (temporary residence permit, resident permit, multi-annual permit, etc.)
    • Proof of residence in the country of issue of your driving license on the date of issue. If it is not written in French, attach a translation made by an authorized translator
    • Certificate of driving rights of less than 3 months from the country which issued the license (except you are a refugee or benefit from other international protection). It must mention the absence of any measure of suspension / cancellation of driving rights. If it is not written in French, attach a translation made by an authorized translator
    • Official translation of the driver’s license in French if it is not written in French. The translation must be legalized or apostilled if it is done abroad. If it is carried out in France, it must be carried out by an authorized translator
    • 4 photos (including one on each of the 2 cerfa forms). Write your name, first name and date of birth on the back of the photos
    • If you wish to keep the heavy categories (truck driving license) of your license or if your license has been suspended, medical advice following a visit to an approved doctor in your department of residence (list can be downloaded from the website of the prefectures )

    Please note that you must submit your permit exchange request within a year of receiving your residence permit or after receiving the visa from OFII. The process is free.

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