I was told it is impossible to get a job in France without speaking French.
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It all depends on the type of job you are looking for… If you’re thinking of C-level or R&D positions, sure, it’s better to speak French but it’s not an absolute necessity. However, for entry-level up to middle management, I wouldn’t say it’s impossible to get a job without speaking French but it is definitely difficult.
During my few years of experience in France (in a multinational company), I have met very few (not none, just very few) foreign colleagues that would not speak some French. And in those rare occasions, they had gotten in the organization through partnerships with universities or research institutes and they had started studying the language.
It kinda sucks for foreigners but it also makes sense when you think about it. Not all companies have language pre-requisites when hiring locals and the general english level in France is much lower than in Germany and the Netherlands where pretty much everyone is fluent in English after high school.
I would highly recommend learning at least some intermediary French before looking for a job in France. You will need to do a part (at least) of your interviews with HR in French anyway, and it helps showing that you’re willing to learn. If you’re unsure about your French proficiency, consider taking the DELF exam to assess your level.
Beyond the requisites for the job, learning French will help you socialize with your local colleagues and be a more active part of the team. Who doesn’t want that?