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Employee savings plans

Employee savings plans

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When you apply to certain companies, you may be told about the PEE, PER, PERCO, profit sharing, etc. In France, this represents more than 11 million employees affected by employee savings plans within their company, according to the French Management Agency (AFG). We will help you to find your way around. Let’s start to distinguish and define them.

Plan Epargne Entreprise (PEE)

The purpose of the Company Savings Plan is to enable employees and managers of small businesses, with the help of the company, to acquire a portfolio of securities.
Employees and companies can make payments into the PEE. However, the sums invested are blocked for a period of five years.
If it was set up by your company, it must be open to all employees.

Plan Epargne Retraite (PER)

The Plan Epargne Retraite is a new long-term savings product for retirement. It is available in three forms. An individual form open to all. If you are interested, you can buy it from an insurance company, or from a financial institution. It consists of saving during your working life in order to obtain, at the age of retirement, a capital or an annuity.

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